Natural Ways to Increase Human Growth Hormone

Pituitary gland secret Human growth hormone (HGH), vital to many body functions.

Growth hormone, also known as GH, plays a significant role in growth, body composition, cell repair, and metabolism. It is also known as a hormone called GH.

HGH can also help you gain muscle and strength and aids in healing injuries and ailments.

Low HGH levels may make you less healthy, more likely to get sick, and gain weight.

It is essential to have the correct levels during weight loss, injury recovery, and athletic training.

Apparently, what you eat and how you live can significantly impact your HGH levels.

Lose Fat

Get rid of belly fat to boost HGH levels and improve health.

The amount of abdominal fat you have is linked to HGH production.

High levels of abdominal fat impede HGH production and raise illness risk.

In one study, people with three times the belly fat had half the HGH of the control group.

Another study indicated that people with higher abdomen fat had lower 24-hour HGH release.

Surprisingly, extra body fat appears to impair HGH levels more in men. However, all genders must reduce body fat.

Obese adults also showed decreased HGH and IGF-1, a growth-related protein. Their levels returned to normal after significant weight loss.

The most hazardous accumulated fat is belly fat, called visceral fat. Losing visceral fat and not necessarily the fat around a flappy triceps could improve your HGH levels.

Arginine Supplements

Higher arginine dosages may enhance growth hormone production, but not during exercise.

Arginine alone may increase HGH.

Contrary to popular belief, amino acids like arginine along with exercise do not raise HGH levels.

However, consuming arginine alone, without exercise, significantly raises levels of this hormone.

One study looked at 45 or 114 mg arginine per pound (100 or 250 mg per kg), or 6–10 or 15–20 grams per day.

The lesser dose had no impact, but the more significant amount caused a 60% increase in HGH levels during sleep.

Reduce Sugar Intake

Insulin levels may make it harder for your body to produce HGH. So, don’t eat a lot of sugar or carbs that aren’t whole grains.

An increase in insulin is linked to lower levels of HGH.

To keep your growth hormone levels in check, cut back on refined carbs and sugar. These foods raise insulin levels the most, so cutting back on them may help you.

In one study, healthy persons had 3–4 times more HGH than diabetics who had problems eating carbs and managing insulin.

In addition to affecting insulin levels, extra sugar intake also leads to weight gain and obesity, which also affect HGH levels.

However, having a few sweets now and then will not affect your HGH levels in the long run.

What you consume affects how you feel, look, and function. You want to eat well.

Don’t Eat Before Bedtime

The effects of nocturnal feeding on human growth hormone (HGH) need further investigation. It’s still a good idea to refrain from eating for at least two to three hours before going to bed.

A large amount of HGH is regularly secreted by your body, which is especially true at night.

Some nutritionists advise against eating anything substantial within three hours of going to bed since it can spike insulin levels.

Carbohydrates and proteins, in particular, can cause an insulin surge and block a portion of the HGH generated at night.

Keep in mind that this notion hasn’t been thoroughly researched.

It’s best to avoid high-carb or high-protein meals 2–3 hours before night because insulin levels quickly drop after eating.

GABA Supplements May Help

Neurotransmitters like gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) carry impulses throughout your brain because they are non-protein amino acids.

You can take it as a sleep aid because it is believed to soothe the brain and central nervous system. It’s also possible that it can help you raise your HGH levels.

An increase in HGH of 400% during rest and a 200% increase during exercise was observed in one trial, including a GABA-based supplement.

GABA can also raise HGH levels by enhancing your sleep quality and depth, linked to your nighttime growth hormone release.

GABA’s long-term effects on growth hormone levels remain unconfirmed, despite many of these increases being temporary.

High-Intensity Training

HGH levels skyrocket after strenuous physical activity. Training at a high intensity is the most significant way to boost growth hormone levels.

The rise is influenced by the type of activity, the intensity, the timing of the meal, and the unique characteristics of your body.

All forms of exercise are suitable, but high-intensity exercise has the most significant effect on HGH production.

To raise your HGH levels and accelerate fat loss, try sprinting, interval exercise, weight lifting, or circuit training.

Exercise, like supplementation, causes HGH levels to surge temporarily.

But exercise has been found to improve hormone function and reduce body fat over time, connected to increased amounts of HGH (HGH).


After an exercise, beta-alanine, carbohydrates, and protein may promote short-term growth hormone increases.

There has been some evidence that taking Beta-Alanine before working out will boost the number of sets by 22%.

Compared to the non-supplement group, it also increased peak power and HGH levels by two.

Another study found that consuming a sugary sports drink at the end of an exercise raised HGH levels. However, the extra calories in the drink will negate any short-term HGH spike.

Evidence suggests that post-workout HGH levels can be boosted by consuming protein drinks, whether they contain carbs or not.

The reverse effect may occur if a casein or whey protein supplement is taken a right before a strength-training session.

30 minutes before strength training, taking a protein drink containing 25 grams (0.95 ounces) of casein/whey protein lowered HGH and testosterone levels compared to a non-caloric placebo, according to one study.

Optimize your sleep

When you’re asleep, your body releases most of its HGH in short bursts. Circadian rhythms provide the basis for these heartbeats.

During the night, the greatest pulses occur, with smaller pulses occurring in the early morning.

According to a recent study, a lack of sleep can affect your HGH production levels.

Actively work on improving the duration and quality of your sleep. Improving your sleep quality is one of the best ways to boost HGH production.

Here are some sleep tips:

  • Create and sleep environment. Train yourself that your bedroom is for sleep and not work, watching TV, or starting an argument.
  • Avoid exposure to blue light before going to sleep.
  • It’s essential to keep your bedroom at the right temperature.
  • Avoid mental, emotional, and physical stimulants late in the day, especially before sleep.

Take melatonin

Melatonin is a sleep and blood pressure regulating hormone.

Melatonin pills are a common sleep aid that can improve sleep quality and length.

While enough sleep may help HGH levels, research shows that melatonin supplements can directly boost HGH levels.

Melatonin is also non-toxic. It may, however, disrupt your brain chemistry, so see your doctor before using it.

The effective dose seems to be 1–5 mg 30 minutes before bedtime. Begin with a low dose, then increase as needed.